Beside TheOpenCD and GnuWin, here is another Windows Open Source sofware compilation.
This is the second release of this project.
This is a free software selection in one package, aimed at office and creative design usage. This quality software compare gracefully with their proprietary counterpart and meet the main user needs.
This distribution is splitted in 5 parts:
- Office: 1.1.2
- Internet: FireFox 0.9.2, ThunderBird 0.7.2, FileZilla 2.2.7b, Nvu 0.30,Gaim 0.79
- Design: Gimp 2.0.2, Inkscape 0.39pre, Blender 2.33a, Audacity 1.2.1
- Multimedia: Zinf 2.2.1, WinLame rc3, CDex 1.51, VideoLanClient 0.7.1
- Tools: 7-Zip 3.13, ThightVnc 1.3dev5, NetTime 2.0b7, ClamWin 0.35
The setup application (made with InnoSetup) can download and install directly the selected software. A short text description of each sofware can help you in your choice. There are two Winlibre versions: a light online one, 500kB to download just the selected software and, a full offline one, 155 MB usefull to burn a CD.
In short: a very usefull project to help you migrate the average Joe user up to the free world !
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Sur le Framablog
Sur Framagora
- Disque externe hfs en lecture seule
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- LibreOfficePortable : décimales
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- rendre vierge ma clé
- Soumettre une notice pour un logiciel dont on est l'auteur
- Blender - Projet Gooseberry
- Bonjour
Juste une image
- Cottage Dock - Autumn
- Creative Commons BY-SA