• Auteur....: http://www.libranet.com/
  • Date......: 19 June 2004 (25 July 2005)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: Libranet (Notice Framasoft)


Libranet distribution is designed to establish a work station and is maintained by a Canadian company: Libra.

Thus, yet another Linux distribution as a lot of others?
Not really, and for several reasons:

First one is that Libranet is a Free software license distribution and a software to pay... As it is Free as Freedom but not as beer (as whatever you want in material world) [1].

How can this be? Simply because nothing can force a Free software developer to give it for money free. Of course, you are also free to distribute your own Libranet to whom you want, but it’s neither an obligation for you, nor for developers. [2]

Second one is that this Linux distribution is dedicated to general public while being based on Debian, famous and "complex" distribution.

Main trick is in adding to a Debian base a more intuitive installer, plus a configuration panel named "adminmenu" in which we will find all features needed to simply configure all administration side of your operating system [3].

Once easily overtaken these system administration steps [4], users can enjoy Debian qualities, particularly its administration easyness and its legendary stability, and then get time to learn at their own rhythm command line [5]...

Note that licence is "globally" GPL, but Libranet comes with some softwares (Acrobat, Netscape...) which are not GPL.

[1] an old version is available for money free there

[2] This Free software business model, based on the Free Software Foundation philosophy seems trendy. A way to make business to be looked on with attention by all those who wonder how to concile Free software and profitability.

[3] displaying, software installations, network management...

[4] on which beginners are generally definetely stopped (and frequently also are less beginners!)

[5] if they want!


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