• Auteur....: http://www.skolelinux.org
  • Date......: 19 June 2004 (24 June 2004)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: SkoleLinux (Notice Framasoft)


SkoleLinux is a distribution intended to simply create a local area network within a learning workshop.

SkoleLinux project was born in 2001 in Norway to meet Norwegian schools needs. With success growth, many developers and translators joined this project to localized it in several languages.

Simplistic, and even minimalist for some aspects [1], SkoleLinux distribution [2] is able, with only one CD-ROM, to set up a local area network (LAN). Indeed, its installation mode [3] allows (amongst other things) the following possibilities:

  • main server installation mode [4]
  • workstation installation mode [5]
  • autonomous installation mode [6].

To be certain of an existing perfect graphic board compatibility, installation process proceeds only in text mode. It could be considered spartan by some users, but we found the interface to be very clear and having a good designed assistant. You are dealt with from installation beginning to the end of it, and explanations are comprehensible by all.

Main server installation mode is automatic and removes completely all existing partitions on hard disk. Other installation modes will offer the possibility to manually create partitions or to let the system automatically creates them on the hard disk.

If you choose to create partitions manually, you will have to use Linux cfdisk [7].

If you choose automatic partitioning, it will remove all existing partitions [8]so, avoid installing this system on a working operating system [9].

A SkoleLinux server is optimized to be used by SkoleLinux workstations [10] but it offers many features for any type of client computers [11].

In a nonexhaustive way we can point out:

  • a centralized LDAP directory,
  • a Web server
  • a mail server
  • a file server...

Still in project development, SkoleLinux distribution is already very stable and fully operational.

[1] It is its beta 2 version, and thus it is still in development.

[2] based on Debian

[3] available in several languages

[4] installs on a computer file, mail, Web and LDAP directory servers

[5] installs on a computer a SkoleLinux server client

[6] configures a computer which will not be connected to a SkoleLinux server

[7] a bit difficult to control, I agree

[8] as well as for the principal server installation mode

[9] like an MS Windows intended to be used

[10] because all their datas are stored on server

[11] with MS Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. operating systems


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