• Auteur....: http://www.zinf.org/
  • Date......: 19 June 2004 (24 June 2004)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: Zinf 2.2.1 (Notice Framasoft)

Zinf 2.2.1

Currently in Windows Zinf 2.2.1 version, Zinf is an audio files player similar to Winamp (plays MP3, OGG, the Free format in the wind, WAV files and CD-audio). But on the opposite to Winamp it will neither overflow your office nor your system resources, which makes it a very easy-to-use software.

Moreover, we can listen our favorite Internet radio with this excellent player!

This kind of software becomes very pleasant as people can quickly manage it on keyboard but its recent creation deprives us from a manual, here we give you some keyboard short cuts:

Feature(s) Short cut(s)
Next Track/Previw Track R/N
Play P
Pause U
Stop S
Options O
Toggle Track Informations I
Playlist M
Credits C
Help H
Download Manager D
Hide (Only?) Equalizer T

Here are what we’ve found but do not hesitate to give all what you may find, or, if you have the time, to write an handbook for Zinf.


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Ben from Eye Ben from Eye
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