7-Zip 3.1
Simple, light, Free, dealing with many compression file formats and multilingual!
It self-integrate moreover, into the MS Windows desktop contextual menu (mouse right click) and into MS Windows Explorer, to directly offer compression or decompression.
Supported formats are: ZIP, CAB, RAR, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, ARJ, RPM, CPIO and... its own compression format: 7z [1].
The most promising in 7z compression style is its ability to compress more than the well-known softwares which are WinZip and PKZip: about 2% to 10%. The Free software world doesn’t end any more to surprise us. A must-have!
[1] It also wonderly "untar" from two successive extraction operations, those famous "tar.gz" files generally issued from the Linux world
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