• Auteur....: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64424&package_id=76046
  • Date......: 9 March 2004 (17 December 2004)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: CodeSeeker (Notice Framasoft)


English | licence GNU/GPL | 4,56 Mb

In September 2002, rather than having the project disappear, CodeSeeker was given to OWASP and became a GNU/GPL project. We tested the 1.0-beta 1 version.

Written in Java and C/C++, CodeSeeker is built to work on Windows NT, 2000 and XP. It is, however, also possible to use its "CodeSeeker Management Console" with Win 95 and 98. Remember to install the Sun J2SE Java plugin.

How does it work ? It intercepts all your Internet traffic by applying a set of safety rules, either those predefined, or those defined by the user. Then, it controls internet programs and blocks undesired connections. Moreover in the event of an attack occurence, CodeSeeker informs the user through the administration console.

The target of this software is to be able to stop any type of attack, even those unknown, with the help of "connectors" installed on the Web server, which will analyze traffic and will work appropriately.

Although a detailed explanation (installation and operation) is provided in PDF format, included in the software (in English), this software is recommended for the experienced user (it doesn’t seem completely stable, therefore, it should first be checked).

For coders, source codes for Linux and Solaris are available on the Web site.


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