• Auteur....: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/
  • Date......: 21 February 2004 (18 May 2004)
  • Licence...: "Open Source" link_license
  • Logiciel..: Amaya (Notice Framasoft)


Open Source | from 4,7 Mb (RedHat) to 5,5 Mb (Debian) and 4,9 Mb for Windows with dictionaries from 800 kb

Translation of one of its creators interview (for LeMonde, April 12th, 2000) : "With Amaya, designing a webpage is as easy as browsing it: it is its main difference from commercial products. More, Amaya is a research and development tool which helps us to forecast the future. As we are working on projects and web standard which are not currently considered by the industry, e.g.: MathML, which is a mathematic formulas description language, and is essential for teaching."

So, take a closer look on it and, why not, take part in its development.

More precisely, Amaya is a browser [1] as well as a Wysiwyg HTML/CSS editor in conformity with W3C standards [2]

Update :
 currently Amaya integrates almost completely SVG format [3] and the style sheets (CSS). You will control vectorial graphs and typography!
 on the other hand, as we have tested it on Windows platform, as well browsing in HTML/CSS design, Amaya has crashed when reading too many bugsy webpages, which is the case with many online webpages and could limit its use for an existant webpage debugging.

[1] which will make you know current errors in visited webpages

[2] it’s a minimum, since this project is a W3C emanation

[3] since version 8.2


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