• Auteur....: http://www.spip.net/en
  • Date......: 30 June 2004 (4 September 2005)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: SPIP (Notice Framasoft)


If you want to create a website and think you will need collaborative work, then SPIP may be the tool you need.

You should know SPIP belongs to the big family of dynamic websites named CMS (Content Manage System).
In the opposite of a static website in which you create (labourously) each page, a dynamic website separates, for your best convenience and a better efficacity, the design from the contents. These contents are saved in a database (most often mySQL) which is called by the server (most often Apache) thanks to a programmation language (most often PHP).
In order to edit pages, you just have to edit text in form fields inside your browser. This is the reason why there are a public part (the site seen by visitors) and a private part (the administration of your CMS).

SPIP is one of these sites under CMS. Since it is the one used by Framasoft, it is quite hard for us to be objective here. For us, it is no more than the one of the greatest soft successes issued from the francophone free area (as Linux Mandrake in the industrial world). The project is supported by a huge and active community which confers it reactivity, quality and continuation.

Forums, attachments, multilinguism, etc. The features list is long, but the most important is that its conception helps the welcoming of redactors of the site from who no competences are needed except the using of a browser!
Thus here we are in the best conditions for your website to become a great collaborative project : the more we are, the better.

In the very beginning, the webmaster, main administrator, must learn to use the tool thanks to SPIP shortcuts (they avoid you to learn PHP.) Then, it’s so adaptative!

Would you like to test SPIP from the inside and give us a hand in the same time? Then, come to our news and updates space where we invite you to redact an article in the site via the private part. (the same as the one you are now reading)

To put it in a nutshell, Framasoft wouldn’t be the same without SPIP because, over Internet more than anywhere else, working and organisation ways depend on technical choices and possibilities. We have chosen the one of SPIP.

In a word, thanks!

Last minute: new version 1.7.2, read upgrades and version history

- SPIP-Contrib, The tips site for making SPIP shortcuts
- A few sites powered by SPIP
- The "gouv.fr" project of Spip-AGORA (description here - pdf)


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SPIP , le 29 January 2012 (0 rép.)

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Apartments in Croatia


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