• Auteur....: http://www.openantivirus.org
  • Date......: 7 March 2004 (18 May 2004)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: OpenAntiVirus (Notice Framasoft)


English | GNU/GPL | - 1,6 Mb | Java & C | Linux | Windows

Here is an empty space which could be filled: a GNU/GPL antivirus called... OpenAntiVirus...

This software is only at its project stage, “pre-alpha state” as the authors wrote it, so it is not yet reliable [1]. Therefore, it’s still just a “toy set”, composed of 5 modules.

The interface is in English but according to documentation [2], it’s scheduled to add:

  • Deutsch
  • Français
  • Italiano
  • Español

We can especially note that its main target seems to be servers (especially mail servers), as a network vigilance tool [3] [4] and with heterogeneous clients (it seems)...

However, its development team did not release anything "constructive" since mid 2003...

  • will the project have a major release soon?
  • does it lack volunteers to work on it?
  • or should the project inform about its recent transfer from Open Source to GNU/GPL project in order to create a "true" community synergy around it? [5]

While waiting for something more concrete in this project, we cote it with a double zero: Can Do Far Better...

[1] on website it’s written: < quote>No one serious about the security of their systems will honestly use OAV as the only means to protect them

[2] in German below

[3] of your company, your educational facility or, maybe some day, of your "home sweet home" network

[4] through Samba dedicated modules, etc.

[5] kind voluntary translators/rewriters of german presentation draft below, are, of course, welcome in the site "drafting" side...

 Project at Sourceforge (activity is over 90%... better than nothing)


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