AutoIt version 3.0 is finally released.
What’s new regarding the previous version, except the fact that his creator and principal programmer, Jonathan Bennett, has released it under the GNU General public Licence?
By the way, AutoIt basis stays the same: it’s a very simple programming language that allows you to drive (almost) everything under Windows. AutoIt scripts can send/simulate keyboard presses or mouse clicks, manage windows behavior, interact with the registry, deal with user defined or system variables, and a lot of other things to automate tasks. Experimented users can write more sophisticated programs, and then compile their work into little executables.
But with version 3 the user will discover a lot of innovations:
- First of all, the syntax’s language is radically different. But don’t be afraid: a little utility to convert old scripts to the new file format is available.
- Some properties are improved, as file management (creation, writing, copying, etc.) or the work with variables.
- Others are welcome, as a better interface integration with tools like check boxes, combo box or progress bar.
- The user can also write some little functions which can be called in any script. Some of those functions are already written, to deal for example with files or dates.
- And many other things.
You can use AutoIt in many ways, even if you’re not a network administartor: if you associate it with 7-zip for example, you can write littles scripts to automatically make backups of your personal files; with some of the functions installed, you can build a program to know if February 27th 1986 was a Sunday or a Tuesday (of course it’s useful !), etc.
Finally, you will be able to improve your use of AutoIt thanks to the scripts released by the AutoIt users community, available in the yahoo group list (you have to be registered if you want to download those files, placed in the "Files" folder).
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AutoIt: ce logiciel n’est pas Open source
, le 11 February 2008 par Frédéric
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