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Plier/Déplier New Software , le 24 October 2004 par Dietmar Naujok (0 rép.)

There is an interesting firewall provided under the GPL. Take a look. OpenSource rules!


Kind regards, Dietmar

-----> http://winsockfirewall.sourceforge.net/

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Plier/Déplier Sodipodi , le 8 October 2004 (0 rép.)

Sodipodi is a great open-source SVG (scalable vector graphics) creation tool. Its sleek interface and sensitive handling give users a very clean and powerful SVG creation workspace.

-----> Sodipodi [www.sodipodi.com]

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Plier/Déplier TransJ v0.1.8 released , le 30 August 2004 (0 rép.)

TransJ is multilingual desktop translation tool written in Java. We use SWT technology, so it has native look and feel on each OS. Supported OSes are: Windows, Linux (GTK2, Motif, QT is planned), Mac OS X. SWT windowing library makes UI extremely fast (as like it uses native OS code). Currently TransJ use SYSTRAN engine thru AltaVista BabelFish service. Supported languages are: English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and others. Download:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=113825&package_id=123824 Screenshot: http://www.softsky.biz/cocoon/images/opensource/1_1.gif

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