About Framasoft...
Who we are...
Our aims...
Our philosophy...
And a bit of our story...
Framasoft was originally created by a man. It didn’t just pop up from the Internet. It’s from a human being...
Once upon a time, in France, there was a math Lycée teacher [1] who ran a page on an educational Intranet...
Day after day, month after month, this page grew until it became public.
Its main contributor left France for Italy. He now lives in Rome where he teaches math [2]. As a community grew around this site, community members began to localize Framasoft.
How did a personal Intranet page become this website?
Well, this math teacher [3] didn’t write about his kids, pets or "normal" subjects, he liked to write about Free software - Free software in keeping with the Free Software Foundation philosophy.
Framasoft is, therefore, intended to be a Free software directory [4]. To facilitate matters for newbies in the unexplored world of Free software, articles must be well documented.
So, visit and enjoy this strong community, but also help out by:
- spreading the word,
- translating, or updating existing articles,
- writing new articles,
- forum posting,
- bringing to our attention any misprints or typos.
[1] Lycée is a French equivalent of a north American high school.
[2] Naturally, he is still our webmaster.
[3] Alexis Kauffmann, on Framasoft aka... “aKa”
[4] And sometime for freeware too, when nothing really fits the need.
About name:
Why Framasoft? Well, at the very beginning of this story, there was also a French language teacher participating who oriented the original page more toward French language and math softwares. Framasoft is an acronym for:
- Français
- Mathématiques
- Software
Currently this website has a larger aim, but name remains unchanged.
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> I want to translate nVu tutorial to English , le 2 November 2004 par John Tucker (0 rép.)
Je voudrais traduire le nVu de Framasoft d’instruction en anglais. Pourriez vous veuillez m’envoyer un brut, traduction automatique. Je sais employer le nVu, de sorte que soit tout que je devrai descendre à un début très bon. Je volonté, naturellement, reconnais Framasoft et libère la version anglaise sous le permis créateur de terrains communaux.
Je me sens que je devrais m’expliquer ai I’ve cours déjà le cours d’instruction français par Babelfish, péniblement, un peu à la fois. J’ai fait ceci ainsi je pourrais apprendre comment employer le nVu (je ne lis pas des Français, seulement anglais). Cela a fonctionné pour moi, mais puis, quand j’ai rangé après inscription de mes pages Web, j’ai de manière erronée supprimé la traduction automatique de Babelfish (soupir) — et elle m’a pris que un moment à réalise ce qui I’d fait avec lui. Vous pouvez voir les pages Web que je pouvais créer avec le nVu après lecture du cours d’instruction de Framasoft à www.libertysoft.co.uk
Svp aide. J’écris l’anglais très bien, et je suis sûr que votre cours d’instruction peut aider beaucoup d’anglophones pour apprécier le nVu et le Framasoft.
John Tucker john@poetsroads.demon.co.uk
— - en anglais ---->
I would like to translate the Framasoft nVu Tutorial into English. Please could you send me a crude, machine translation. I know how to use nVu, so that is all I will need to get off to a very good start. I will, of course, acknowledge Framasoft and release the English version under the Creative Commons License.
I feel I should explain I have I’ve already run the French tutorial through Babelfish, painfully, a little bit at a time. I did this so I could learn how to use nVu (I do not read French, only English). It worked for me, but then, when I tidied up after writing my web pages, I mistakenly deleted the Babelfish machine translation (sigh) — and it took me a while to realise what I’d done with it. You can see the webpages I was able to create with nVu after reading the Framasoft tutorial at www.libertysoft.co.uk
Please help. I write English very well, and I am sure your tutorial can help many anglophones appreciate nVu and Framasoft.
John Tucker john@poetsroads.demon.co.uk
Dead link , le 30 August 2004 par dietmar.naujok@t-online.de (0 rép.)
http://www.nvu.com/ is now the link to NVU. The newest version is 0.41.
You do a great job, kind regards, Dietmar
-----> http://www.nvu.com/
Informations complémentaires
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Informations générales
Sur le Framablog
Sur Framagora
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- LibreOfficePortable : décimales
- au sujet de mon netbook gdium
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- rendre vierge ma clé
- Soumettre une notice pour un logiciel dont on est l'auteur
- Blender - Projet Gooseberry
- Bonjour
Juste une image
Ben from Eye
- Creative Commons BY