• Auteur....: http://www.periapsis.org/bookcase/
  • Date......: 24 June 2004 (26 June 2004)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: Tellico (Notice Framasoft)


For Linux OS, with KDE desktop manager:
Bookcase is a personal collection management software from the more usual as library and videotheque to the less classical like vinotheques, coins or cartoons collections.

For each collection type, it is possible to modify preset fields (for example for a video library: title, actors, producer...) or to create others as we need them.

Cards display and sorting can be done by field groups or using any user’s own designed filters.

Bookcase also allows to import and export collections in the following formats: Bibtex, Bibtexml and CVS, which is very handy and simple. Thus, with it, we can be sure that we will not have to restart from ground zero in case (for example) of software migration.

This very simple and handy software, for a personal use, has naturally a small defect: it doesn’t allow cards creation and update directly from Internet. But author announced this feature for 1.0 version... So, we are waiting for it !


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