Abiword is small, but fast and complete. Among its main features, we may recall:
- its “look ’n feel” interface (see the screenshot)
- its pages and paragraphs formatting possibilities
- possible to insert spreadsheets and allows cells merge
- a spell checker (wich you can include during the installation if you are connected to the Internet by simply marking a case while installing)
- interactive ruler
- styles integration
- unlimited Cancel/Repeat capabilities
- Search/Replace function
- can insert images with PNG, BMP, JPEG and GIF format
It can also import and export MS Word documents (.doc) and RTF (Rich Text Format) and save HTML Internet documents (also in LaTex).
Less complete than OpenOffice.org Writer (the OpenOffice.org text processor) it is nevertheless a good complementary tool as it is faster, lighter and needs less resources.
(PS: Do not hesitate in telling us about your remarks and statements about this new 2.0.3 version. Thank you.)
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:: question :: précision :: avis :: commentaire :: bug ::
> AbiWord
, le 9 January 2005
(1 rép.)
> AbiWord spellchecker in windows
, le 12 August 2004 par TawnyRay
(0 rép.)
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