• Auteur....: http://www.jedit.org/
  • Date......: 23 February 2004 (18 May 2004)
  • Licence...: GNU General Public License link_license
  • Logiciel..: jEdit (Notice Framasoft)


GNU/GPL | 1,5 Mo | Linux | Mac | Windows | Java

Yet another Free software world beautiful contribution: jEdit is a text editor, built in java, of impressive handiness and richness!

A multitude of features: indentation and traditional syntaxic colouration (for 90 programming languages!) are of course present plus an infinity of annulation possibilities and a paperclip.

A very good help file is provided.

An advanced support of programming languages is available via several plugins. You’ve got no more pretexton to not finish software development!

Worst.. ;o)) Jedit includes script syntaxis checking and thus makes you save a lot of time in debugging.

Note: requires Java Runtime Environment to work.


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